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2012年02月24日 09:54


(图片来源:凤凰网华人佛教 摄影:曹立君)




1.释迦牟尼觉悟成道的地方是(   )

   A 鹿野苑     B 蓝毗尼园      C 菩提伽耶       D 王舍城

   A 六祖慧能   B 大慧宗杲      C 嘉祥吉藏       D 马祖道一
   A 中论       B 坛经          C 摩诃止观       D 万善同归集
   A 谛闲       B 印光          C 圆瑛           D 太虚
   A 国清寺     B 那烂陀寺      C 拉卜楞       D 南华寺
   A 日本       B 泰国          C 缅甸           D 斯里兰卡
   A 阿难       B 目连          C 舍利弗         D 须菩提
   A 阿弥陀经   B 无量寿经      C 观无量寿经     D 观音经
   A 汉哀帝     B 秦始皇        C 汉明帝         D 汉桓帝
   A 农历二月十五      B 农历四月初八     C 农历七月十五      D 腊月初八
三、       名词解释(每题5分,共20分)
中国文化 样题
一、请选择正确的答案,将序号填写在括号里(每题2分 共20分):
1.中国历史上第一位皇帝是( )
A 秦始皇 B 周公 C 汉武帝 D 齐桓公
2. 儒家的创始人是 ( )
A 老子 B 孔子 C 庄子 D 董仲舒
3.科举制是从什么时候开始实行的 ( )
A 汉朝 B 唐朝 C宋朝 D 隋朝
4.《史记》的作者是( )
A 司马光 B 班固 C 司马迁 D 陈寿
5.中国历史上第一部诗歌总集是( )
A 楚辞 B 文选 C 诗经 D 唐诗三百首
6.“开元盛世”在哪个朝代( )
A 汉朝 B唐朝 C 宋朝 D 清朝
7.开封是哪个朝代的首都( )
A 秦朝 B北宋 C 南宋 D 元朝
8.“鉴真东渡”是哪个朝代的事(  )
A 宋朝 B 唐朝 C 清朝 D 明朝
9.法家的代表人物是( )
A 老子 B 韩非子 C 墨子 D 孟子
10.中国古代被称为“画圣”的是 ( )
A 王羲之 B 怀素 C 吴道子 D 苏轼
3. 杜甫
4. 玄奘
英语    样题
(    ) 1. My sister _______ a new bike.
A. own       B. have      C. has      D. there is
(    ) 2. Tom has________European friend, he is _______ university student now.
A. an, an    B. a; a      C. an; a    D. a; an
(    ) 3. ------- ________ is this machine? ------ It’s about 5,000 dollars.
A. How much  B. How many  C. How      D. What
(    ) 4 . This is one of ________ on my bookshelf.
A. my favorite books   B. my book     C. his book     D. what I like
(    ) 5 . When ________ your brother _____ to school yesterday?
A. did; goes           B. do; go      C. does; go     D. did; go
(    ) 6 . Please _______ your coat when you going out. It’s cold outside.
A. put up              B. put on      C. put off      D. take off
(    ) 7. ------ Stop doing that, Mary. It’s rude to _______ at people.
         ----- Sorry, Mom. I won’t.
A. look                B. watch       C. notice       D. stare
(    ) 8. Jack saw the thief _______ some money ______ an old lady. He report the theft to the police.
A. to steal; of        B. steal, of   C. steal; from  D. to steal; from
(    )9. How bad! My purse is ________. What should I do now?
A. losing    B. missing     C. lose   D. missed
(    ) 10. Father came ______ Sally was slipping on the floor.
A. while     B. just as    C. when     D. as
(    ) 11.He is a student, ______?
A. isn’t he    B. am he     C. aren’t he   D. don’t he
(    )12. Comrade Chang did quite well, he made very ______mistakes.
A. a little     B. a few    C. little     D. few
(    ) 13. _____ the typewriter to the next room, and ____ the recorder here.
A.   Bring, take B. Take, bring C. Carry, take D. Bring, carry
(    )14. As you are ____ insistent person, I will go with you.
A. so           B. such     C. a so       D. such an
(    ) 15. The men _____were all engineers.
A.   which I talked         B. to those I talked
C. those I talked to        D. I talked to
(    ) 16. Your book is on the floor. ___________---
A.   Pick it up!            B. Put up it! 
 C. Pick it!                D. Take up it!
(    ) 17. There are only _____cigarettes in the box. I have too____ time to buy any today.
A.   a few, little          B. a little, few
C. a few, a little          D. a little, a few
(    ) 18. I would like to ___to your English teacher if he is not too busy now.
A. ask          B. tell     C. say        D. talk
(    ) 19. Harry hasn’t passed in the exam. ___Dick.
A.   So has                 B. Neither has
C. Either has               D. Nor is
(    ) 20. “Don’t eat too ____ before going to bed” Mum said to me.
A. many         B. much     C. few        D. lot
(    ) 21. Please don’t say anything that might ____ her feelings.
A. injure       B. hurt     C. wound      D. damage
(    ) 22. The little boy____ his pencil everywhere, but he couldn’t_____it.
A. was looking for, find    B. was looking after, find
C. was finding, look at     D. was finding, look after
(    ) 23. Li Yin is not _____ today. She is ill.
A. good         B. well     C. better     D. best
(    ) 24. He has been in Shanghai ____ last month.
A. for          B. since    C. after      D. before
(    ) 25. I hate this snow and frost. Shall we go to a country with a warmer_?
A. climate      B. weather  C. days       D. season
(    ) 26. That’s the place ______last year.
A.   which we visited       B. at which we visited
C. where we visited it      D. in where we visited
(    ) 27. ____will you get to Xi’an? By plane.
A. when         B. where    C. How        D What
(    ) 28. She lets each of the boys _____ a bar of chocolate.
A. has          B. having   C. to have    D. have
(    )29. You are not so wise ______he.
A. as           B. than     C. to         D. over
(    )30. The Yangtze River is the _________river in China.
A. long         B. longer   C. longest    D. the most longest
II. 情景对话,选择合适的问答句:(每小题2分,共10分)
(    )31. --- Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office?
   --- ________ .
   A. The post office is very beautiful.
   B. Go down the road, it is on your left side.
   C. Look at the sign. There’s a hospital nearby.
(    )32. --- What would you like to order now?
   --- ________ .
 A. I’d like a bowl of noodles.
 B. I am hungry now.
 C. Show me the way please.
 (    )33. --- _________ ?
   --- He is a doctor.
 A. Who is your friend?
 B. Where s your friend?
 C. What is your friend?
 (    )34. --- Your new skirt is very beautiful, Betty.
   --- _________ .
 A. Thank you .
 B. Really?
 C. I don’t think so.
 (    )35. --- _________________ ?
   --- It’s seven.
 A. What color is your watch?
 B. What’s the time by your watch?
 C. Where is your watch?
III.填写适当的单词: (每小题2分,共10分)
36.I’ve got a bad cold. I think I must go and see a ______________.
37. The sun rises in the east and sets in the __________.
38. As soon as the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at _____________.
39. In the picture we can see the boy is standing ______ her mother and her father.
40. Mr Smith’s living room is very __________. It can hold twenty people there.
Mr. Smith lives in the small village, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes ___41___ the same way.
One morning while he was ___42___ his newspaper on the train, a man ___43___ him came up to him. Mr. Smith had not met him before. The man said,“ ___44___ ” to him and then ___45___ to talk to him. The man said, “Your ___46___ isn’t interesting, is it? You got on the same train at the same station at the same time ___47___ morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”
When Mr. Smith ___48___ this, he put his newspaper down, turned around and ___49___ to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me?”
“Because I’m ___50___ sitting in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.
41. A. family      B. house        C. village       D. home
42. A. seeing      B. look         C. reading       D. finding
43. A. before      B. behind       C. beside        D. next to
44. A. Sorry       B. Thanks       C. Hello         D. Goodbye
45. A. refused     B. stopped      C. ordered       D. began
46. A. life        B. work         C. office        D. child
47. A. one         B. every        C. this          D. yesterday
48. A. heard       B. listened     C. found         D. felt
49. A. asked       B. said         C. told          D. talked
50. A. never       B. hardly       C. always        D. sometimes
Peter felt very sorry because he forgot (忘记) to say “Happy Birthday” to his uncle yesterday. So he wrote a letter to his uncle: “My dear uncle, I’m very sorry because I forgot your birthday. But to teach me a lesson, you’d better (最好) forget my birthday on Tuesday, tomorrow.”
51. It was _________________ birthday last Sunday.
A. Peter’s                B. Peter’s father’s     
C. Peter’s uncle’s       D. Peter’s brother’s
52. Peter said_________________ to his uncle in the letter.
A. sorry      B. goodbye    C. hello     D. OK
53. “Teach me a lesson” here means “______________ ”in Chinese.
A. 给我上一课  B. 教我一招   C. 教训我一下 D. 向我表示祝贺
54. Peter wrote this letter on_____________________.
A. Monday       B. Tuesday      C. Saturday    D. Sunday
55. Peter wrote this letter in order to (为了) ____________________.
A. forget his birthday               B. forget his uncle’s birthday
C. remember his uncle’s birthday    D. let his uncle know Peter’s birthday
(B ) Sick Leave
Dear Mr.Gao,
I am sorry to tell you that my mother is not feeling well today. She has caught a bad cold. The doctor told her to stay in bed for two days. My father isn’t in. I have to look after my mother at home. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow.
Li Hua
(   )56. Who is ill?
    A. Li Hua     B. Li Hua’s mother    C. Li Hua’s father
(   )57. Who is not at home?
   A. Li Hua      B. Li Hua’s father    C. Mr.Gao
(   )58. Where will Li Hua be tomorrow?
    A. At school  B. At home             C. In the hospital
(   )59. Who is asking Mr.Gao for leave?
    A. Li Hua     B. Li Hua’s mother    C. Li Hua’s father
(   )60. How many days will Li Hua’s mother stay at home?
A. Two days.      B. Three days.         C. One day.
 ( C )Easy to say, but hard to do
    There are a lot of mice in a house. The man of the house gets big cat. The cat kills many of the mice.
Then the oldest mouse says, “All the mice must come to my room and we will think what we can do about the cat.”
All the mice come. Many mice speak, but none knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, “We must put a bell on the cat. Then when the cat comes, we can hear it. And it will not catch any more mice.”
Then the old mouse asks, “Who will put the bell on the cat?” No mouse answers. At last he says, “It is easy to say things, but it’s hard to do then.”
(   )61. The cat kills _________.
    A. a lot of young mice
    B. a lot of old mice
    C. many young and old mice
(    )62. The oldest mouse tells all the mice _______.
     A. to come to his room
     B. to kill the cat
     C. run and hide
(    )63. No one knows __________________.
     A. how to put the bell on the cat
     B. what to do about the cat
     C. who can kill the cat
(    )64. Who will put the bell on the cat?
     A. Someone
     B. No one.
     C. The oldest mouse.
(    )65. The story tells us ________.
      A. to do things is easy.
      B. to say things is hard.
      C. to say things is easier than to do them.
( D  
Dear Ms. Li:
I’m very glad to write to you. I’m a Junior student. I have a lot of troubles these days. Every day I have a lot of homework to do at school. I don’t have enough time to sleep. I nearly have no time to do sports. My friends and I can hardly find time to talk, or play together. When I get back home from school, I have to do my homework. I’m not allowed to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to my favorite music. I feel worried. I miss those old days when I was in primary school. At that time, I had a lot of time to have fun. I don’t know what I should do. Could you please give me some suggestions?
Best wishes
 66. Daisy is a __________.
A. pupil     B. Senior   C. Junior student    D. college student
 67. She is __________.
A. happy     B. unhappy  C. free              D. lazy
 68. Daisy wants to get _________.
A. money          B. suggestions 
C. pen friend     D. homework
 69. When she is at home, she has to __________.
A. watch TV                   B. surf the Internet   
C. listen to music            D. do homework
 70. she was in primary school, she was __________.
A. worried   B. sad          C. happy             D. busy
A. ( A ) . What’s the matter with you?
( )71.I fell off my chair yesterday.
( )72.I’ve got a broken leg.
( )73.Sorry to hear that. How did you make it?
( )74.Oh, terrible. You should be careful next time.
( )75.Thank you very much
B. 根据对话内容,在方框中六个选项中选出适当的五项填入对话中的空格内,
------Hello, is that Mary speaking?
------     76     on please.
------Hello, this is Mary speaking. Who is that?
------Hi, this is Joe. I'm going to have a birthday party next weekend. Can you      77    us?
------Oh, I'd like to. I'm glad to hear about the      78     . Who will come?
------Daming, Lingling and our teacher.
------When should I come?
------At half past two.
------OK, I will get there     79     .
------Thank you!
------Oh, It's my     80      .
Write a short passage : My favorite restaurant



[责任编辑:杨成兵] 标签:经藏 释迦牟尼 佛学院 
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