2008年07月10日 10:31凤凰网华人佛教  【

3) Elimination of Racial Barriers Derives From Compassion
Racial conflict has been around for as long as the human race has existed. Not only has it become a frequent cause of war between countries, it has also caused disunity and even civil wars within a nation, because people divide themselves up according to their racial backgrounds. Therefore, it can be said that the thorniest problem on earth is not difference between the rich and the poor or the wise and the ordinary, but racial issues.
The elimination of racial barriers can be achieved by advocating the spirit of compassion. The Nirvana Sutra provides a solution to racial conflict by telling us to extinguish greed with loving kindness, and anger with compassion. Buddhism advocates compassion by encouraging us to not only offer unconditional loving-kindness to deliver sentient beings, but also show impartial compassion to relieve them from suffering and misfortune. It also tells us to not only prevent from doing unwholesome deeds but also be active in doing good; not to just speak momentarily of compassion but also put it into practice consistently. We should practice compassion without expecting anything in return, or even do so without clinging to form or reward. Loving kindness brings happiness, while compassion offers liberation from suffering. If every one of us is able to treat each other with a compassionate mind, then all living beings on earth shall be blessed with happiness and good fortune.
Having compassion and tolerance as one of its fundamental concepts, Buddhism differs from other religions in its lack of keenness for racial identity. As a result, no war or racial conflict has ever occurred in the course of its history. “Forget old grudges and do not hate evil ones.”  “The salinity of all waters that flow into the ocean will become balanced, and all monastics in the world share the Sakya surname.”  All of the above ideas represent the Buddhist concept of peace and equality as well as transcendence of racial prejudice.
For a long time, Buddhism has steered clear of discrimination of race, religion and countries, thereby allowing its followers to now actively purify human minds, helping people, and gather the strength of different people to contribute to world peace and social wellbeing. At the same time, these people are able to broaden their horizon, embrace those who are different from them, work with collective effort and concerted efforts, set their minds on the Dharma realm and regard themselves as citizens of the globe. Just as long as every human being and race abides by the spirit of compassion, respect and help each other, as compassionate global citizens, we will be able to transcend national boundaries and racial discrimination.

4) Coexistence Derives from the Propagation of Dependant Origination
We are all different parts of the same life entity in this world. Everything in this universe comes from the integration of different conditions. A phenomenon exists when conditions are present, and disappears when these conditions scatter. The existence of a nation, a society or human beings is also based on this idea. No country or individual can exist without coexisting with one another, nor can anyone be exempted from the law of dependant origination.
Condition is the most wonderful thing in the world, because anything can arise when a set of conditions gather together. The addition of virtuous conditions can allow unfavorable factors to turn good. Buddhism calls this an accumulation and harmonization of causes and conditions, and also the reason why people help each other in life.
Generally speaking, the law of dependant origination tells us that all phenomena in the universe depend on each other to exist. Sentient beings are also a part of this web of coexistence. For this reason, we must not be overcome by petty differences or simply allow only the fittest to survive while the weak become prey for the strong. Instead, we must support each other, stand on the same side instead of dividing ourselves up and rejecting each other. May all living beings on earth coexist in harmony, and may they show the spirit of kindness, compassion, joy and generosity for one another. By doing so, a peaceful and happy Humanistic Pureland will be created. This is the goal which we should all strive to achieve as one.
In conclusion, as Chinese Buddhism faces global issues, its spirit of equality, respect for lives, compassion, and coexistence will surely guide the world in eliminating wars, economic crises, conflicts, environmental destruction, and natural disasters all together; and answer to the callings for a peaceful future, harmonious societies, and purified human minds.
Thank you.

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作者: 释妙光   编辑: 邢彦玲

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