The Influence of “The Gate of Nondualism” to DDMWCBE For further elaboration of the cultivation of “samādhi and wisdom” and “study and practice,”one could say that wisdom is to understand thoroughly both ourselves and the world around us; samādhi (literally, “Concentration”) means to stick to and uphold our most cherished values and truths。 Through the wide scope of meditative practice and study, each individual is, in theory, open to discover his or her personal “vow” (yuan願), which is not free from the differences of nations, races, genders, or sects。 Learning leads one to live reflective lives by enhancing awareness of oneself and the world around; meditative practice imprints that understanding deeply in the heart, so that our words and actions are in harmony。 Practicing in such a manner, we find a path that connects to the world and interacts to others responsibly and intelligently。 This is the life-long project with great concern of Master Sheng Yen to “uplift the human beings, revive Chinese Buddhism and promote world peace”。 Meanwhile, such a journey of self-actualization is one of the main areas that Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education can contribute to the study and understanding of humanity as a whole。
Accordingly, the Buddhist scholar Marcus had the most penetrating analysis of the local Taiwan Buddhism studies to date, focusing on the rebuilding and redefining Chinese Buddhism, and then he mentioned “The emphasis of Dharma Drum Mountain is the practice of Chinese Chan meditation and the promotion of the academic study of all forms of Buddhism。”[85]
In 1989 Master Sheng Yen purchased a large tract of land on a hillside overlooking the seashore to the north of Taipei city,[86] naming it “Dharma Drum Mountain”(Fagu shan 法鼓山)。