[11] 十部论书中的偈颂亦出现在小部论书(除本生‘Jātaka’ 的注释书)的偈颂。此本生的注释书,尤其是开始的因缘部分,是本文下一个介绍主题。
[12] 即同一偈颂在十部论书中某一论书的重复出现。
[13] 参 Adikaram 上书。
[14] 有关本生的文献资料,参Skilling, Peter. “Jātaka and Pa??āsa-jātaka in South-East Asia.” Journal of the Pali Text Society 28, (2006): 113-73。
[15] Jātaka, together with its Commentary, ed. V. Fausb?ll, 6 册. 1877-1896(第七册索引由 D. Andersen作, 1897年)。
[16] Norman, K. R. “Review: The Story of Gotama Buddha (Jātaka-nidāna).Translated by N.A. Jayawickrama. Pali Text Society, Oxford 1990. xvi,141pp.” Buddhist Studies Review 9, no.2 (1992): 201-02。
[17] Feer, Léon. “Fragments extraits du Kandjour.” Annales du Musée Guimet V, (1883): 323-61。
[18] 引文出自:D 34(德格版(西藏大藏经)第34册), ka, no.32, 250a4。
[19] 此ānanda.rī 来自锡兰,参十三部后更详的总后记,同上德格版,282a4-8。
对此二人的讨论,另参Skilling, Peter. Mahāsūtras: great discourses of the Buddha. Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1994-7; 第二册137页以下. 及Panglung 1996(参下注)。
[20] Skilling, Peter. “Theravādin literature in Tibetan translation.” Journal of the Pāli Text Society 19, (1993): 69-201。
[21] Panglung, Jampa L. “Zur tibetischen übersetzung des Jātakanidāna.” In Festschrift Dieter Schlingloff zur Vollendung des 65: Lebensjahres dargestellt von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, edited by Friedrich Wilhelm and Dieter Schlingloff, 207-14. Reinbek: Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen, 1996。
另如: Conze, Edward. The Praj?āpāramitā literature. 2d rev. Tokyo:Reiyukai, 1978. p.32。
[22] Gaffney, Sean. “The Jātakanidāna. A critical study, Tibetan edition and annotated translation.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of London, 2002。
另亦参其较早的文章:Gaffney, Sean. “The Pāli Nidānakathā and its Tibetan Translation.” In The Buddhist Forum, volume IV, edited by Tadeusz Skorupski, 75-91. London: SOAS, 1996。
[23] 同上Gaffney 2002, p.9: “... that the Tibetan text follows that Pāli so closely throughout, that there can be no doubt that the Tibetan translation was made from a text that was, for all practical purposes, identical to the existing PTS Pāli edition.”
[24] Ja.i.45-47.
[25] Skilling, Peter. “A Citation from the *Buddhavamsa of the Abhayagiri School.” Journal of the Pali Text Society XVIII, (1993): 165-75.
[26]对弥兰王问经的研究资料实在非常多,参Skilling, Peter. “A note on King Milinda in the Abhidharmako?abhāsya.” Journal of the Pali Text Society 24, (1998): 81-101. 页81 注释中罗列。
[27] Sv.i.15,22-29.
[28] 此说法并无完全的定论,请参:Collins, Steven. “On the very idea of the Pāli canon.” Journal of the Pali Text Society 15, (1990): 89-126. 尤其是此文的注11 (第108页) 列有详细资料。
[29] 参Hazra, Kanai Lal. Studies on Pali commentaries. Delhi: B.R. Pub. Corp,1991. 页34.
[30] 巴利本: Treckner, V., C. J. Rylands, and C. A. F. Rhys Davids. The Milindapa?ho: being dialogues between King Milinda and the Buddhist sage Na?gasena. London: Pali Text Society, 1986. 对此第一章巴利文的评论、修订与索引,参:Andersen, Dines. “Critical and philological notes to the first chapter (Bāhirakathā) of the Milinda-pa?ha.” Journal of the Pali Text Society 6, (1908-12): 102-51.
另外,就贝叶写本,von Hinüber 对此经的最早的,有记上年代的贝叶经亦有撰文:Hinüber, Oskar von. “The olderst dated manuscript of the Milindapa.ha.” Journal of the Pali Text Society 11, (1987): 111-18.
[31] 大正藏32册,第1670号。
[32] Sylvain Lévi, “Un nouveau document sur le Milinda-Pracna”, Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1893, pp. 232-37 (再刊于 Mémorial Sylvain Lévi, Paris, 1937, pp. 214-17).
[33] 参上 Skilling 1998.
[34] 参下Milinda-tīkā 中Jaini 亦遇到相同的问题,但他并没提到前述学者对Milindapa?ha 已有的看法。
[35] Jaini, Padmanabh S. Milinda-tika.. London: Pali Text Society, 1986.
[36] Deshpande, Madhav M. Milindapa?hā-Atthakathā. Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1999.
Dr. Ven. Vinita Tseng,奥地利国家科家院研究专员。
Dr. Ven. Vinita Tseng