Facing the Era of Globalization and Realizing Peace
2009年03月28日 19:36 】 【打印已有评论0

Respectable World Buddhist Forum (WBF) committee members, most honored religious and spiritual leaders of the world, teachers, and brothers and sisters: I would like to extend my appreciation to all of us and the organizing committee who have made these events possible. It reflects our continuous efforts in bringing ideas and dialogues which aim to consolidate Buddhism internally and ultimately: realizing peace to humankind on earth.

I am grateful to these events because each of us still recognizes the importance of brainstorming, working together to solve problems, and uniting is powerful. The future of Buddhist organizations, just like any other spiritual organizations, will depend on our comprehensive understanding of systems and interdependency. Because organizations are established by humans, they inherit one of the humans' essential aspects: the most social creatures on earth. Therefore, organizations will last if they are able to survive through social complexities and cultural evolutions.

Craincross (1997)[1] argues that the world will become smaller over the time. In the 21st century, societies from all over the world will be interconnected through advanced technologies, a global system. The ability of human to communicate is limitless even they are thousand miles apart. Despite of our preferences, globalization is unavoidable. Transformation to society in technology, economy, and politic derived from globalization will affect almost every aspects of our life, including our spiritual life. The most important aspect, in my humble opinion, is increasing human interdependencies. Peace and coexist in mutual respect are essential.

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作者: Ven. Seik Hui Siong   编辑: 王丽君