Buddhism and Science
2009年03月28日 18:22凤凰网华人佛教 】 【打印已有评论0

Your Holiness,

Most Venerables, Venerables,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, please let me express my deepest thanks to the organisers of the 2m World Buddhist Forum especially the Most Ven. Yi Cheng President of the Buddhist Association of China, the Most Ven. Hsing Yun President of the Buddha’s Life International Association, the Most Ven. Kok Kwong President of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, H.E.Mr.Ye Xiaowen Chairman of the China Religious Culture Communication Association, who have allowed me to participate in this prestigious conference.

Buddhism started when Siddhartha Gautama achieved his spiritual goal and began teaching. The path he taught consisted of a code of conduct, a variety of meditation techniques, and doctrines about the nature of the world and humanity. Buddhism is a varied tradition and aspects include fundamentalism, devotional traditions. Nevertheless, many common points have been raised between scientific investigation and Buddhist thought.

Some of notable scientists have a respectful views on Buddhism. Many scientists like Einstein and Albert North Whitehead strongly think there is a close link between our religion and science. Allow me to share with you some words from these famous scientists: Albert North Whitehead said "Buddhism is the most colossal example in the history of applied metaphysics." and Bertrand Russell, another Nobel Prize winner, wrote Buddhism is a combination of both speculative and scientific philosophy.

As you can see, Science is a little theological threat to a Buddhist worldview because Buddhism had unique advantages such :

1.Buddhism did not assert or depend upon the existence of a God

2.Buddhism was a morai ideal in conformity of the scientific view

of an ordered universe ruled by law (Dhamma)

3.Buddhism does not belief in gods but trust in natural law

4.Buddhism was a religion of self-help with all depending on the

individual working out his/her own salvation.

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